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Manufacturer: Thrustline Aerospace Diameter: 1.3250 inches Style: Clone
Construction Rating:
Flight Rating:
Overall Rating:
Contributed by Bill Eichelberger
ThrustAero Rocketry is another of the growing list of vendors serving the (hopefully) burgeoning OOP cloning aftermarket. They sell versions of several Estes classics, including the Cherokee D, one of the early K-kits whose name once included the Astron qualifier. While it's 3FNC design qualifies it as a fairly basic project, it's paint and decal scheme were well thought out and turning out a great looking vintage rocket requires minimal effort. I had cloned the stretched, plastic-coned brethren to this classic in 2002, and flew it to it's unfortunate near-demise when an Estes D-12 went on a trip up through the body tube. I had been planning on eventually cloning the original version with a BMS cone, so this was a welcome project.
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